Fort Mcmurray massage therapist

Massage in Fort Mcmurray

Available for Mobile Massage Worldwide by Request

Treat yourself to Massage & Spiritual Healing


Massage Fort Mcmurray Reiki

Massage Fort Mcmurray Reiki

  • Buy your loved one a VEIM massage gift certificate that can help them heal

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Veim massage can help you to heal ailments mentally, spiritually and physically. It’s a unique energy healing method invented by the owner of Veim Healing in 2013. Veim Massage is a full body massage that heals the body, soul and mind. VEIM MASSAGE is available in Fort Mcmurray and Edmonton. It is available worldwide by special request or during her travels.

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Veim Healing Massage and all other services are provided in Fort Mcmurray, Edmonton and Worldwide upon request

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Destiny the owner of VEIM Healing founded Veim Massage in 2013 in Fort Mcmurray when she found the power of spiritual & energy healing. She was led intuitively to create a massage method where she would infuse spiritual healing into a full body massage. This massage method was created so people who did not know of the existence of energy & spiritual healing could reap the benefits of it when they were seeking massage as a method of healing.

Fort Mcmurray Massage

What is Veim Massage?

Unlike other massages, this massage helps heal you mentally, emotionally and physically all at once. It is a spiritual and energetic healing massage that has helped thousands of people, and has resulted in miraculous healings. Often clients have a hard time putting into words their spiritual experience and say its best to be experienced to be understood.

Veim Massage Therapy: Benefits

After a few massage sessions clients have experienced full recovery from the following ailments and more:

Depression, Anxiety, Migraines, Back pain, Scar tissue, Pregnancy symptoms, Erectile dysfunction, Low sex drive, Low energy, Insomnia, Bad luck, Chronic pain, Alcohol Addiction & Smoking Addiction,

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Lightarian & Usui REIKI

Destiny the founder of VEIM Massage was immediately ushered into receiving  her masters of lightarian Reiki by another Master after receiving her level one in Usui Reiki. She is certified in Pranic Healing and Crystal Pranic healing as well.

REIKI Benefits

 Reiki has evolved into a faith based process for Destiny with similarities to Reiki. Reiki is taught to be the universal loving energy that heals and Destiny has come to know it is the Ultimate Creator that provides this universal loving energy. God used reiki to lead her to Him and Destiny now heals with the Almighty God and His Angels & Jesus & spiritual helpers. Destiny was once an atheist turned spiritualist and now after reading scriptures is a believer of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Because she has come a far way on her faith journey Destiny is able to meet people where they are at with compassion and understanding instead of judgement. Destiny is gifted by God with an immense amount of faith and bears witness to His healing miracles often. 

Do you want to relax, heal and raise your vibration?

Then faith based reiki and veim massage is perfect for you.

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Massage in Fort Mcmurray