Please read before booking your Anti Procrastination appointment.

This calendar is open to Anti Procrastination Bootcamp Attendees only. You are scheduling your 20 min phone call with your life coach. On this call your coach will either help you with planning how to successfully complete a specific goal that you have in mind or help you figure out a goal that you want to achieve. The first week of January 2024 is open to book your 1st consultation call to set your goal with your coach for the month of January. Your weekly text check-ins will always be on the same day as the week as your first phone call. EXAMPLE : First phone call is booked MONDAY at 10 am. You will receive your remaining four weekly texts on a Monday. Check in texts will very likely include photos from yourself confirming your progress if possible. Your last text check in which is 28 days after your first day can be via text or voice note, whichever you prefer. The calendar is already open for those who want to subscribe for January 2024 Anti Procrastination Bootcamp. *Please note: The consultation call is 20 minutes ONLY. The calendar says it is 30min incase there is any connection issues and to give your coach buffer time between each call* If you successfully complete your planned goal then you will be refunded $99.